Friday, May 8, 2009

Preemio Blogger Award

Thank you to Kristen for my first blogger award (Preemio Blogger Award). I feel honored that I inspired her with my recipe blog, which has never quite worked out how I would have liked, in that I am pretty much the only one who posts on it. With this I am supposed to tell you 7 things that you may not already know about me. So here it goes:

1. I was homeschooled until Grade 9 and never actually considered a "fulltime" student the entire time I went to highschool, even though I graduated with honours and full credits
2. I can, but don't speak German
3. I dislike eating watermelon and corn on the cob...they are messy and usually served at the same meal
4. I don't consider myself active, sporty, or outdoorsy, but I am pretty sure most people do
5. I know a boring amount of Tudor Royal History
6. I ran a half Marathon in about 2 hours and 20 minutes after dropping 30 lb with online Weight Watchers (Which I hope to do all over again for next year after having a baby this summer)
7. I probably like cooking because I have the most enthusiatic husband when it comes to food.

Now, the 'Pay it Forward' part. I was actually inspired by Frickens Cookin' recipe Blog, so I will pass it on to them, they do not know me or even know that I exist or read their blog regularly. For the record I found your blog through Annie Pfriem, who I guided with at Beyond Malibu.

1 comment:

Polly said...

hey! thanks for the award! I'm so glad you could be inspired by our blog. and how great that you found it through Annie. i'm sure we would be friends :)


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